Place born
Organisation / Person

Babbage, Charles

1791 - 1871

Patient of Edward Jenner; First person to received Vaccination

Phipps, James

1788 - 1853

1635-1703, natural philosopher, Isle of Wight, England, English

Hooke, Robert

1635 - 1703

1800-1890, social reformer; civil servant, British

Chadwick, Sir Edwin

1800 - 1890

1749-1823, physician; surgeon; pioneer of smallpox vaccination, British; English

Jenner, Edward

1749 - 1823

1786-1901, brand name used to 1990s, cigarette manufacturer; tobacco company, Bristol, England

W D and H O Wills Limited

1786 - 1901

Walker, John

1781 - 1859

1616-1654, physician; astrologer; apothecary, British

Culpeper, Nicholas

1616 - 1654

Stephenson, George

1781 - 1848

1624-1689, physician, English

Sydenham, Thomas

1624 - 1689

1749-1978, hospital, English

Liverpool Royal Infirmary

1749 - 1978

1789 - current (2020), soap manufacturers, Isleworth, England

A and F Pears Limited


1660-1969, telecommunications company, Britain

General Post Office

1660 - 1969

1800-1970's?, button manufacturer, London

Jennens and Company Limited


1755-1843, homeopathist physician, German

Hahnemann, Samuel

1755 - 1843

1799-1871, botanist; photographic artist, British

Atkins, Anna

1799 - 1871

1578-1657, physician; discoverer of the circulation of the blood, English

Harvey, William

1578 - 1657

1791-1871, mathematician; computer pioneer, England, English; British

Babbage, Charles

1791 - 1871

1632-1723, merchant; scientist and microscope maker, Dutch

Leeuwenhoek, Antoni van

1632 - 1723

1771-1833, mining engineer, English; British

Trevithick, Richard

1771 - 1833

1736-1819, mechanical engineer; scientist, Scottish; British

Watt, James

1736 - 1819

1771-1831, mechanical engineer, tool maker & inventor; patentee English; British

Maudslay, Henry

1771 - 1831

1639-d.1713, horologist; clock-maker; barometer maker and scientific instrument maker, England, English

Tompion, Thomas

1639 - 1713

1754-1814, wax modeller, Italian

Susini, Clemente

1754 - 1814

1717-c.1955, button maker, Birmingham

Hammond Turner and Sons Limited

1717 - 1955

1642-1727, natural philosopher; mathematician, English

Newton, Sir Isaac

1642 - 1727

1799-1865, active 1812-1865, physician; army medical officer, English

Barry, James

1795 - 1865

Hancock, Thomas

1786 - 1865

1718-1807, physician; clergyman, English

Willis, Francis

1718 - 1807

Boyle, Robert

1627 - 1691

active 1749-1806, sundial maker; optical, mathematical, philosophical inst. maker & natural philosopher, British

Nairne, Edward

1726 - 1806

1711-1778, philosopher and scientist, Italian

Bassi, Laura Maria Caterina

1711 - 1778

Cartwright, Edmund

1743 - 1823

1799-1852, engineer; inventor of types of steam carriage, British; English

Hancock, Walter

1799 - 1852

Brunel, Marc Isambard

1769 - 1849

1794-1992, dispensing chemist; druggist, London, England

Savory and Moore Limited

1794 - 1992

Trevithick, Richard

1771 - 1833

Cayley, George

1773 - 1857

1716-1794, naval surgeon; physician, Scottish; British

Lind, James

1716 - 1794

1641-1707, natural philosopher; monk of the Premonstratensian order, German

Zahn, Johann

1641 - 1707

1684/5-1761, medical practitioner; inventor of medicines, English

Ward, Joshua

1684 - 1761

active 1720s, inventor, developed programmable looms using punched tape, French.

Falcon, Jean-Baptiste


Roberts, Richard

1789 - 1864

1716-1774, lecturer and professor of anatomy, Italian

Manzolini, Anna Morandi

1716 - 1774

Perry, John

1670 - 1702

Hackworth, Timothy

1786 - 1850

1690-1999, fire engine manufacturer, Greenwich, England

Merryweather and Sons Limited


1625-1695, natural philosopher; mathematical instrument maker; engineer; inventor; diplomat; English

Morland, Sir Samuel

1625 - 1695

active 1685-1723, optical instrument maker, London, England; English; British

Marshall, John

1659 - 1723

1668-1738, anatomist; physician; botanist, Dutch

Boerhaave, Herman

1668 - 1738